There now is 4 new music choices for your iggy!! there is Rocking Pizza (The music from the music jam that was in rooms without music stages and maby the coffee shop I can't remember), Rockstedy (the music from the cove), and two completely new songs that I never heard on Cp! The two new ones are All Access Pass and Keytar Jam!!! I really like those two!!!
Well that's all for now!!
Until I post again!!
Waddle on!!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
New pin!
Hurray! It's that time of the month again for a new pin!!! The new pin is a toy sailboat pin and can be found on the sofa on the first floor of the coffee shop!
That's all for now!
Waddle on!!!
That's all for now!
Waddle on!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Late issue
If you checked the news paper earlier this morning is seems that this issue of the newspaper was a bit late. Anyways in the new issue (issue 198) that there is a clear winner for the color vote! Come on please be lavender! Besides that this is the last week to enter the writing contest so be sure to enter! Besides that it seems that Gary the Gadget Guy need to change the pool Windows. Last time the Windows where replaced (from the crab incident) there was a water party!!! (also known as the summer party!). There is always TONS of free items and lots of decorations! I always loved the summer party! It was my first party on CP! (I share pokepenquin with my little brother. I'm not sure how that happened but it's a member we share! I made him in 2007 on the first day of the summer party!!! Or maby it was the last I can't remember!)
Well until then,
Waddle on!!!
Well until then,
Waddle on!!!
Well I was just on Frozen and guss who appeared at the iceberg? Mr Postcard!!! He is one of the mods penguins!! Apparently he can send you a postcard that has the names of well anyone!! I got one sighned Rsnail!!!!! I'll keep it forever!!! He's sooooo cool!!! Sadly he just left. Talking about famous penguins i'll give you a list of all the famous penguins i've ever met!!!
If a name has a * next to it that means I have them on my buddy list (or got thier backround!!! NOT COUNTING BETAS I"VE MET TOO MANY OF THOSE TO REMEMBER!!!
Mr Postcard
Rock Beta *
Test Billy *
Test Hog *
Test Happy77 *
Those Boots 1 *
Candice *
Gary *
Aunt arctic *
Rockhopper *
Testserver *
Rocket Snail *
Wow that's allot! I might have missed one or two!
That's all for now!
Waddle on!
If a name has a * next to it that means I have them on my buddy list (or got thier backround!!! NOT COUNTING BETAS I"VE MET TOO MANY OF THOSE TO REMEMBER!!!
Mr Postcard
Rock Beta *
Test Billy *
Test Hog *
Test Happy77 *
Those Boots 1 *
Candice *
Gary *
Aunt arctic *
Rockhopper *
Testserver *
Rocket Snail *
Wow that's allot! I might have missed one or two!
That's all for now!
Waddle on!
Party-O a no go
Well I was guessing this may happen the party was a no show. Really I'm not to surprised my site is new and will grow over time but just letting you know why there aren't and pics of the party. I'll just plan another party!!! ( I wonder if Puffles 700 day party will be big!?!) Maby!
A note about the party
The party is only 20 minutes away but I just had one late note about the party. Since my site is so new I dought i have much got viewers. So If you come to the party I will add you to my buddy lit as well as you will be shown on my website!!! It would be nice i you could say puffle so I know that you are there for the party but as long as you stay long enough for me to take the photos and add you to my buddy list that will be ok to! Well see ya soon!
Well remember Green Boy 84 from the list i posted yesterday? He's over at my hoist today! He will be over here until 4:00PM or 2:00PM PST (Penguin Standered Time)!! We will probably be on Cp today on snowfall or frostbite! So if you see us be sure to say HI!!! Remember the party is in 40 minuets!!! See ya there!!!
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sorry I almost forgot to post the pin! Well the current pin is the umbrella pin from the pin voting last month. It is located at the boiler room.
Puffle's other penguins
Hello everyone! If you've read my first post I said i had several other penguins that I'm going to keep a secret but I've decided to give you a list of all penguins I own and know in real life! Remember most of there penguins I know in real life NOT OWN! I'm also tributing a few of my best CP friends! Well here's the list!!!
If there is a * next to there name that means I know them in real life or own that penguin!
Puffle 754 *
4myninja *
4halie *
Pac Man754 *
Chaos cipp *
Awsome leaf *
ClubP22499 *
Green Boy 84 *
Ninjaboy754 *
Pokepenquin *
Puff 123 *
Jack54281 *
Zerozip *
Brewerfan123 *
Electoditor *
Can you find the few that I own?!?
If there is a * next to there name that means I know them in real life or own that penguin!
Puffle 754 *
4myninja *
4halie *
Pac Man754 *
Chaos cipp *
Awsome leaf *
ClubP22499 *
Green Boy 84 *
Ninjaboy754 *
Pokepenquin *
Puff 123 *
Jack54281 *
Zerozip *
Brewerfan123 *
Electoditor *
Can you find the few that I own?!?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Puffle's age
I was on Club Penguin and decided to check my penguins age. 598 days already! Wow its been quite a long time since when I joined back in December of 2007! Well I've decided to have a happy 600 days on CP party for Puffle! I know I probably only have a few viewers so far but if you can make it to this party please do! It will be held on Thursday June 30Th 2009 at 11:00 Am PST (penguin Standard Time) on the server Snowfall (my signature server!) at the cove (one of my favorite rooms). Please come if you can! I'll post pics of the party and add on Puffle as well as my other penguins! Be sure to come!
New Color!!!
If you where on CP in the last few days of the music jam then you probably saw the new color booth! I just had the need to ask all of you what color did you chose? Lavender? Aqua? Maroon? Myself i voted lavender! I just relay like that color! But what did you chose? Please leave a comment telling what color you chose! Also in my last pose i said to leave a comment to tell me which of the new servers you liked and that the winner of the servers i would host party's in well id also like to know what is your over all favorite server. The winner of the over all favorite servers will "like the new server poll" have same of my party's hosted in it! Please comment telling me your color choice and your server choice!

New Servers
Sorry for my lack of posting in my blog but now I've got the hang of this blogger thing! If you've been on Club Penguin this morning you've probably noticed that there is new servers! There is new servers in every language of club penguin but it seems that French got the most new servers! Most of the new servers are safe chat as well as some of the old servers became safe chat servers. The new English servers are Walrus, Sasquatch, Dry Ice (Safe chat), Patagonia (safe chat), Snow covered (safe chat), and Glacial (safe chat). I think I'll hang out in Dry ice today! Good Job Cp on the new servers! What new server is your favorite? Leave a comment and I'll tally up the comments in a few days! The winning server will be where I'll hose my first party! So be sure to comment! I'll be sure to keep you updated!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hello I'm Puffle 754 and I'm going to keep you updated on all things Club Penguin!!! I go on Club Penguin every day and love to make friends and have fun party’s!! As for my penguins appearance I usually have on my band look (dark blue with a keytar) or my other look (red penguin with red propeller cap, swirly glasses, medal, music jam 08 shirt, brown rockhopper boots, and a MP3000!!!) sometimes I where other outfits but usually I have one of those on! I go on everyday but I’ll be sure to throw lots of party’s! Also I’ll be on my other penguins all the time!! Can you find me!?!

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