Thursday, July 30, 2009


Well I was just on Frozen and guss who appeared at the iceberg? Mr Postcard!!! He is one of the mods penguins!! Apparently he can send you a postcard that has the names of well anyone!! I got one sighned Rsnail!!!!! I'll keep it forever!!! He's sooooo cool!!! Sadly he just left. Talking about famous penguins i'll give you a list of all the famous penguins i've ever met!!!

If a name has a * next to it that means I have them on my buddy list (or got thier backround!!! NOT COUNTING BETAS I"VE MET TOO MANY OF THOSE TO REMEMBER!!!

Mr Postcard
Rock Beta *
Test Billy *
Test Hog *
Test Happy77 *
Those Boots 1 *
Candice *
Gary *
Aunt arctic *
Rockhopper *
Testserver *
Rocket Snail *

Wow that's allot! I might have missed one or two!

That's all for now!
Waddle on!

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